Most doctors cannot readily diagnose fatigue, especially chronic fatigue syndrome. For most practitioners, fatigue is still a symptom of something bigger but not necessarily impairment in itself. However a severe form of prolonged fatigue clinically called chronic fatigue syndrome is slowly taking its toll on many tired and overworked individuals. Usually they complain about depression, a feeling of worthlessness, or an endless guilt about being nonproductive. Family or companions of the sufferer can become impatient, not realizing that the patient truly wants to be better but does not have the means or methods to do so.Everyone feels tired at one point with the other, but CFS is more serious and more chronic than an instance of discouragement. To have clinical fatigue is to have a state of such low energy that it actually interferes with a person's ability to function on a normal level with friends or family. CFS is more intense and lasts longer than normal tiredness, lasting for at least six months without any other underlying illnesses that could be pinpointed as the source of depression. CFS is still often misdiagnosed and dismissed as a problem in a patient's head, but to anyone suffering from CFS, the condition is real and debilitating. There are more women suffering from CFS than men.
CFS can be accompanied by headaches, irritability, sleep problems and profound depression. It can also manifest itself in physical symptoms like a fever, sore throat, or sore muscles. While fatigue is still usually a symptom of other disorders, CFS may be contributed to low blood sugar, diabetes, PMS, poor nutrition, or chronic infection.CFS has now become more widely recognize as an independent medical condition by a growing number of doctors. As of today, experts still cannot agree on the singular cause of CFS. Many attribute CFS to past viral infections, irregular blood pressure, mercury toxicity, drug use, or multiple infections.To combat fatigue, daily exercise and plenty of rest is still the best option. Avoid drugs, alcohol and caffeine. Have yourself tested for low thyroid function, hypoglycemia, or allergies. Take vitamins and minerals to boost your body's biochemical balance. Vitamin B complex, especially vitamin B 12, is widely used to treat low energy. Foods rich in vitamin B12 include sardines, beef, salmon, milk and turkey. Carnitine helps promote weight loss and enhances carbohydrate metabolism. Magnesuim is important to create energy; deficiencies in magnesium can produce muscle weakness. Foods rich in magnesium included wheat germ, almonds, pecans, tuna and hazelnut. Taurine and shark liver oil have been used for ages by Scandinavians to increase energy levels and to combat other health concerns. Also make sure to eat plenty of raw fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods to eat more of are citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes and potatoes.