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Avoiding Constipation

Digestion does not take place properly unless the coordinated functions of your mouth, esophagus and stomach are all in sync. When your digestive system is correctly integrated, essential digestive enzymes are present in the exact quantity and location needed to ensure normal digestion. Often the common issue of insufficient enzymes need not be addressed. Assimilation occurs in your small intestine. More specifically, it takes place across the cellular membrane of your body cells. If what you consume does not get transported into your body cells to be utilized, then all is for nothing. What the body utilizes first is oxygen. Next utilized is water, then the nutrients. But often the oxygen, water and nutrients do not get distributed to those parts of your body which need them the most due to blockages preventing this process. When excessive internal toxins exist, they cause even good nutrients to become toxic. Extra toxins accumulate when you do not periodically eliminate them from your body. What goes into your body will not hurt your health, if your energy remains strong to it and you are able to eliminate it quickly before it has had a chance to do damage. You need to detoxify internally. Whatever you consume, the portion not assimilated must be eliminated from your body quickly. If the unassimilated portion of your food remains in your body, even food classified as 'healthy' will become 'unhealthy'. http://cruisecontroldietbookreview.com/goals-mastery-for-personal-and-financial-achievement-review/ http://quantumvisionsystemreview.org/wealth-building-made-simple-program-review/
August 2016
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